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Nemenyi Paul (fizičar) & Bobby Fischer (legendarni šahist)

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Michele Maylender
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Nemenyi Paul (fizičar) & Bobby Fischer (legendarni šahist)

Post broj:#1  PostPostao/la Michele Maylender » 7.2.2012, 19:56

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Citiram dio članka autorice Kim Cuculić

"Ono što pouzdano znamo je to da je fizičar Paul Nemenyi rođen u Rijeci, u lipnju 1895. godine. Ovaj podatak postao je zanimljiv nakon smrti Bobbyja Fischera kada su inozemni novinari uspostavili kontakt s Državnim arhivom u Rijeci. Ravnatelj ove ustanove Goran Crnković pokazao nam je učeničke imenike osnovne i srednje mađarske škole u Rijeci koje je Paul Nemenyi polazio i iz kojih je vidljivo da je Nemenyi Bodog Pal rođen u Rijeci, u obitelji mađarskih Židova. Njegov otac Dezso bio je direktor jedne od direkcija u riječkoj Rafineriji nafte, a iz Budimpešte je stigao u Rijeku kao djelatnik Opće kreditne banke. Iz školskog imenika može se zaključiti i da je Paul Nemenyi bio osrednji učenik. Na kraju nije maturirao u Rijeci nego odlazi u Mađarsku.

Od 1912. to 1918. Nemenyi je studirao na Politehničkoj školi u Budimpešti, dok je u vrijeme antisemitskih zakona bio prisiljen napustiti Mađarsku. U Berlinu je dvadesetih godina stekao titulu doktora znanosti te je bio predavač na berlinskom Tehničkom univerzitetu. Godine 1927. rodio mu se sin Peter, dijete iz prvog braka, a tijekom ranih 30-ih godina napisao je udžbenik iz mehanike iz kojega se učilo na njemačkim fakultetima. Godine 1933., kao Židov, dobio je otkaz, a iste je godine i uhićen zbog navodnih "klevetničkih izjava" protiv Hitlerove vlasti. Pritvoren je na jedan dan te oslobođen zbog nedostatka dokaza. Nemenyi je, inače, bio član male socijalističke partije pod nazivom ITSK.

Einsteinova preporuka

Ubrzo nakon toga našao je posao u Kopenhagenu, a zatim odlazi u Veliku Britaniju. U potrazi za poslom 1938. stiže u Sjedinjene Američke Države. Tada je posjetio Princeton kako bi se posavjetovao s Albertom Einsteinom i priložio svoj životopis. Komisija ga je, međutim, proglasila nestabilnom i nepoželjnom osobom. Na Einsteinovu preporuku ipak je angažiran na istraživanju pri Državnom univerzitetu u Iowi, gdje je radio za Hansa Alberta, Einsteinova sina.

Nemenyi je bio i borac za životinjska prava, pa je tako odbijao nositi vunenu odjeću. Umjesto toga zimi je ispod odjeće nosio pidžamu, a uglavnom je odbijao odjenuti odijelo i nositi kravatu. Takvo ponašanje objašnjavao je time da se čovjeka treba suditi po njegovim unutarnjim vrijednostima, a ne po izgledu. Ovi podaci iz njegove biografije možda mogu objasniti i ekscentričnost Bobbyja Fischera koji je svojim ponašanjem i postupcima nerijetko izazivao kontroverze.

Paul Nemenyi radio je na raznim američkim sveučilištima, a između ostalog bio je angažiran i na projektu izrade mehanizma za aktiviranje atomske bombe. Prema dosjeu FBI-ja, kad je imao 47 godina upoznao je Reginu Wender Fischer koja je tada bila u braku s Hansom-Gerhardtom Fischerom i već je imala petogodišnju kćer Joan. Hans-Gerhardt Fischer i Regina Wender vjenčali su se 1933. godine u Moskvi, gdje je Wender studirala medicinu. Par se razveo 1945. godine kad je Bobby Fischer imao dvije godine, pa je odrastao s majkom i starijom sestrom Joan. U novinskom članku koji su 2002. godine Peter Nicholas i Clea Benson objavili u The Philadelphia Inquireru pojavila se teza da je fizičar Paul Nemenyi mogući Fischerov biološki otac. Autori članka pozvali su se na opsežan izvještaj FBI-ja, na 900 stranica, u kojemu piše da se Regina Fischer vratila u SAD 1939. godine, dok Hans-Gerhardt Fischer nikad nije ni mogao ući u Ameriku jer je prokazan kao simpatizer komunista. Stoga je živio u Čileu, a imigracijske službe zabranile su mu ulazak u SAD.

Američke tajne službe

Paul i Regina upoznali su se na Sveučilištu Denver gdje je Regina studirala francuski, njemački, biologiju i kemiju. Pretpostavlja se da su tijekom ljeta 1942. bili u romantičnoj vezi iz koje se godinu dana kasnije rodio Bobby Fischer. Međutim, na rodnom listu nije pisalo Nemenyijevo ime, već je majka dala da se upiše ime supruga Hansa-Gerhardta Fischera. Zanimljivo je da su Paul i Regina bili pristaše komunizma, što je vjerojatno i izazvalo toliki interes američkih tajnih službi.

Dr. Nemenyi pokazivao je brigu za svoga sina Bobbyja i davao je njegovoj majci novac, međutim, često se žalio socijalnim službama da mu sin zbog psihičke nestabilnosti majke ne odrasta u poželjnim okolnostima. Nakon njegove smrti Regina Fischer pisala je Peteru, Nemenyijevom sinu: "Bobby čitav mjesec nije dobio pristojan obrok i bio je bolestan, ali doktor i lijekovi nisu došli u obzir. Ne vjerujem da bi Paul na ovakav način pustio Bobbyja i zato želim brzi odgovor je li Paul išta ostavio Bobbyju koji još uvijek očekuje Paula". Regina, očito je iz tog pisma, nije htjela reći Bobbyju da mu je otac umro, već je očekivala da će to učiniti njegov polubrat Peter koji obiteljskom liječniku između ostalog piše: "Mislim da vam je poznato da je Paul bio otac Bobbyja Fischera". Nakon očeve smrti, Peter Nemenyi potvrdio je da je Paul Nemenyi bio i otac Bobbyja Fischera. Tako je riješena obiteljska tajna za koju je šahovski genij zasigurno morao znati, ali o njoj nije htio govoriti i odnio ju je sa sobom u grob.

Bobbyjeva majka Regina Wender Fischer umrla je deset godina prije Bobbyja, 1997. godine u dobi od 84 godine.

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Michele Maylender
Krepat ma ne molat !
Krepat ma ne molat !
Postovi: 58
Teme: 10
Pridružen: 3.2.2012, 21:57
Lokacija: Territorio Libero di Trieste

Re: Paul Nemenyi, fizičar

Post broj:#2  PostPostao/la Michele Maylender » 7.2.2012, 20:10

Nemenyi je postao "poznat" manje po vlastitim profesionalnim sposobnostima,a više zbog činjenice da je najvjerovatnije biološki otac Bobbya Fischera,proslavljenog šahiste.

O tome nešto više,na ovom linku:

Link na članak čiji je autor Peter Nicholas, novinar koji je skupa sa ženom istraživao cijelu stvar,a koji se može pronaći ovdje- ... full.story - prenosim u cijelosti:

Chasing the king of chess
What made Bobby Fischer so brilliant yet so bizarre? Could the truth about his father unlock the puzzle?

By Peter Nicholas

September 21, 2009

Like a lot of kids in the summer of 1972, I was riveted by a strange spectacle unfolding in Iceland: a chess match between Soviet grandmaster Boris Spassky and Bobby Fischer, the mercurial young American.

The games weren't televised -- Fischer permitted no cameras -- so chess experts replayed the moves on public television using oversize boards. Through long summer days, I puzzled over poisoned pawns and bishop pairs as Fischer, after nearly walking out on the match, crushed the Russian champion.

Through solitary study and determination, Fischer had toppled a Soviet chess establishment that had every advantage: better coaching, state stipends, access to the latest games and opening theory.

I got caught up in the chess mania that swept the country after Fischer's victory. The craze quickly faded, but my fascination with Bobby never did.

Over the years, I read everything I could find about him, replayed his most famous games and talked with friends of his who frequented the Marshall Chess Club in New York, scene of some of his triumphs.

In time, my interest shifted from Fischer's chess to a much murkier aspect of his life: the identity of his father.

Bobby's life story, like his behavior, was bizarre and complicated. At the height of his powers, he abandoned the game and went into seclusion, surfacing periodically to spout paranoid, anti-Semitic screeds and to denounce the United States. He died last year at 64 in Iceland, the only country that would have him.

It seemed to me that if I was to get a better grasp of this elusive figure, I needed to know more about his origins.

Bobby was born in Chicago and raised in Brooklyn by a single mother, Regina Fischer. She told people his father was a German biophysicist named Gerhardt Fischer. The couple divorced when Bobby was a toddler. That's about all that was known.

The dearth of details about Gerhardt and his role in Bobby's life whetted my curiosity. What was he like? Did he share his son's intellectual gifts? What kind of relationship did they have?

My wife, fellow journalist Clea Benson, came to share my interest, and before long it morphed into something of an obsession.

We became part of a subculture in which Fischer fanatics dissect his old games like sacred scrolls, pay tens of thousands of dollars for his old notebooks and argue ceaselessly about whether later champions could have held their own against him.

In search of Fischer arcana, we've been to the Chess Hall of Fame in Miami, whose dominant architectural feature is an oversize rook. We've pored over records at the New York Public Library. We've hired Hungarian translators and sifted through 70-year-old letters stored at the National Archives in Maryland.

In 2002, I even made a pilgrimage to Reykjavik to see the chess board where Fischer and Spassky squared off 30 years before.

That same year, I resolved to get more serious about my research on Gerhardt. Enough amateur sleuthing. Now I would use my reportorial skills to gather every available fact about the man.

FBI dossiers are often a rich source of information. I thought it unlikely the bureau had a file on Gerhardt, but Regina was well-known in her day. Whatever information the FBI had collected about her might shed light on him. I requested the file under the Freedom of Information Act.

A few months later, it arrived in the mail -- 900 heavily redacted pages reflecting the ideological phobias of a bygone era.

Regina was a European Jew who immigrated to the U.S. as a child, traveled widely and earned nursing and medical degrees. She married Gerhardt in Moscow in 1933, and the couple lived there for several years.

She returned to the U.S. at the outset of World War II. The FBI, suspecting she was a Soviet agent, read her mail and tracked her movements for years. (In the end, agents concluded she was not a spy.)

The file has little to say about Gerhardt. But its pages are crammed with details about a man Clea and I had never heard of: Paul Felix Nemenyi.

Born to a prominent Jewish family in Hungary in 1895, he was brilliant. At 17, he was co-winner of a national math and physics competition. He had a special gift for spatial relations -- a skill important to chess players. In the 1920s, he became a university lecturer in Berlin.

Nemenyi lost his position in 1933, when "non-Aryans" were purged from German universities. He settled in the U.S., and in 1942 he was teaching at what was then Colorado State College in Fort Collins. Regina was studying at the University of Denver.

They appear to have met and had an affair. Gerhardt, unable to obtain a visa to enter the U.S., was in Chile at the time, according to the FBI file.

In 1943, Regina moved to Chicago, alone. Bobby was born there in March of that year. His birth certificate lists Gerhardt as the father. FBI agents doubted that was possible, since their records indicated he had never set foot in the U.S.

Regina herself told conflicting stories about the father's identity. She was itinerant, shuttling between jobs and schools all over the country. She would often turn to Jewish social service agencies for advice and financial aid.

From employees at these agencies, the FBI learned that Regina once told a social worker that she hadn't seen Gerhardt since 1939, four years before Bobby was born. On another occasion, she said Bobby was conceived when she visited Gerhardt in Mexico.

Nemenyi visited some of these same agencies, according to the FBI file. He arranged to pay child support and told social workers he was unhappy with how Regina was raising Bobby. He once grew so upset describing his quarrels with Regina, according to one document, that he began "weeping."

On the Internet, Clea and I found an obituary of a civil rights activist from North Carolina named Peter Nemenyi -- Paul Nemenyi's son from an early marriage.

Peter, who died in 2002, was about 15 years older than Bobby and had told friends he was Fischer's half-brother. He had a doctorate in mathematics from Princeton University and supported himself teaching. Clea ran his name through a database of university archives and discovered that some of his personal papers were at the University of Wisconsin.

An archivist faxed us the file. It contained a letter that Peter wrote after his father died in 1952. Bobby was 9 at the time. Peter was writing to the boy's psychiatrist for advice. Regina had asked him to break the news of Paul's death to Bobby, and he wasn't sure how to do it. He had met Bobby only a couple of times.

"I take it you know that Paul was Bobby's father," Peter wrote.

The file also contained a letter to Peter from Regina. She said she was destitute because of Paul's death -- Paul had been paying for Bobby's schooling.

Clea and I wrote a story about these discoveries in 2002 for the Philadelphia Inquirer, where we both worked at the time. For a pair of Fischer obsessives, it was a heady feeling. We'd uncovered information that suggested the generally accepted outline of Fischer's life was wrong in one very important detail: His father was not Gerhardt Fischer, but rather Paul Nemenyi.

If our conclusion held up, it could change the popular understanding of Fischer and the formative influences on him.

Response to our disclosure was mixed. Friends of Bobby were skeptical. Fischer himself did not react publicly from his overseas exile: We sent him letters in Budapest and Tokyo, cities where he had been seen, but got no reply.

In subsequent articles, some writers referred to our findings about Nemenyi as a theory, nothing more.

So we kept at it. Clea went back online and discovered that letters Paul had written to the Hungarian-born engineer Theodore von Karman were stored at Caltech. She contacted the school in 2005 and it sent us copies.

Inside the package we were stunned to find a photograph of Paul Nemenyi -- the first we'd ever seen. He had enclosed it with one of his letters to Von Karman. The resemblance to Bobby was striking: the same deep-set, burning eyes, the same facial structure, even the same unruly shock of hair.

Next, we pulled Nemenyi's probate file from court archives in Washington, D.C., where he died. It contained a petition by the executor of Nemenyi's estate -- a lawyer hired by his son Peter -- stating that Bobby had been born to Regina and Nemenyi "out of wedlock."

Now we felt we had proven the case beyond any doubt. We presented our findings at a Bobby Fischer symposium at the Marshall Chess Club in March. We set up a projector for our PowerPoint slide show on the same chess table where Fischer, in 1965, had played by teletype in a tournament hosted by Cuba.

The audience was polite and largely accepting of our conclusion. But in the wider world, doubts persisted. An online skeptic wrote: "The only way you can really say 'beyond all doubt' is by testing the DNA."

We had another line in the water, however. A few months earlier, we'd realized there was a potential source of information we hadn't tapped. Perhaps the FBI did have a file on Gerhardt. We sent a request to the bureau just in case.

There was such a file, it turned out, and it arrived in the mail in July. Included was a copy of a letter, dated May 22, 1959, from FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to his counterpart at the CIA, detailing recent surveillance of Regina and Bobby.

In an aside, Hoover wrote: "It is interesting to note that investigation has established that the father of Robert James Fischer is not [Gerhardt] Fischer as represented by Mrs. Fischer. Investigation has established that Robert James Fischer's father was one Paul Felix Nemenyi."

The letter doesn't say how the FBI reached this conclusion. But it seems likely that agents learned the truth from social service agencies that dealt with Regina and Nemenyi.

Why did Regina maintain the fiction that Gerhardt was the father? Russell Targ of Palo Alto, who was married to her daughter, Joan, for nearly 40 years, thinks Regina wanted to avoid the stigma of an out-of-wedlock birth.

"She wanted to say the man she was married to was the father of the baby," he said.

Did Bobby know Nemenyi was his father?

Eva Stallings, a close friend of Bobby, offered a clue when I reached her by phone in New York this summer.

In 2004, Bobby was detained by the Japanese for traveling without a valid U.S. passport. The State Department had revoked his passport because of an outstanding arrest warrant. Fischer was wanted on federal charges that he had violated U.S. economic sanctions by traveling to Yugoslavia in 1992 for a rematch with Spassky. He was at risk of being deported to the U.S. and put on trial.

Stallings was among a group of friends who tried to find him a haven in Germany. She told me she drafted a request to the German government for Gerhardt's birth certificate, hoping it would help Bobby make his case for refuge. When she showed him the letter, he made a telling alteration, she said.

He crossed out a passage that identified Gerhardt as his father, writing instead that Gerhardt was "listed on my U.S. birth certificate as my father."

Stallings thinks Bobby was signaling that his real father was someone else.

"That's the conclusion I would draw," said Stallings, now an employee of the German consulate in New York.

Another close friend says Bobby shared memories of Nemenyi with her.

Zita Rajcsanyi, a Hungarian chess player, gave several interviews to Hungarian journalist Tivadar Farkashazy for a book he published in 2008. Rajcsanyi declined our request for an interview, but told us the book is accurate. We had the relevant parts translated into English.

According to the book, Bobby told her that a man named Paul with a thick Hungarian accent would show up at the Brooklyn apartment he shared with his mother and sister and take him on outings.

Bobby told Rajcsanyi that Paul once took him to a restaurant and scolded him for spreading butter on the outside of the bun rather than the inside -- "as is customary in better cultural circles."

When Bobby was 9, Nemenyi disappeared from his life. It was only then that Bobby learned the truth, according to the book. He asked his mother why Nemenyi had stopped visiting, and she told him he had died.

"He was your father," Regina told her son, according to Rajcsanyi. "Didn't you know?"

How was Bobby affected by the secrecy and the contradictions surrounding his father's identity? What was it like for him to learn that the man whose name he bore was not his father -- and to find out only after Nemenyi's death that this mysterious figure with the thick accent was his flesh and blood?

There is no way to know. But these experiences may help explain Fischer's venomous anti-Semitism and his denial of his own Jewish ancestry.

As a teenager, he told a magazine writer he was Jewish only on his mother's side. Years later, he wrote to the Encyclopedia Judaica asking that he not be listed as a Jew.

When he returned from his victory in Iceland in 1972, he stayed with his sister and her husband in Palo Alto. Bobby's anti-Semitic tirades grew so unbearable that Joan kicked him out, Targ recalled.

"It was almost like Tourette's," Targ said. "He couldn't control himself."

On a Philippine radio show in 1999, Fischer denied the Holocaust and said that he was the victim of a Jewish "conspiracy."

Such outbursts seem all the more strange in light of how his father's family suffered under the Nazis. Paul Nemenyi's mother and brother -- Bobby's grandmother and uncle -- were held in a concentration camp.

The uncle's art collection, which included works by Klimt, Kandinsky and Matisse, was stolen and never recovered, according to Hungarian art researchers.

To this day, Fischer exerts a powerful hold on the imagination, despite (or perhaps because of) the tragic arc of his life after Reykjavik.

My wife and I believe there's more to be learned about Nemenyi's role in that life. We're thinking about a trip to Hungary, where he was born. Who knows what we might find?

Copyright © 2012, Los Angeles Times

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Michele Maylender
Krepat ma ne molat !
Krepat ma ne molat !
Postovi: 58
Teme: 10
Pridružen: 3.2.2012, 21:57
Lokacija: Territorio Libero di Trieste

Re: Paul Nemenyi, fizičar

Post broj:#3  PostPostao/la Michele Maylender » 7.2.2012, 20:18

Link sa wikipedije:

Paul Felix Nemenyi (June 5, 1895, Rijeka, Austria-Hungary – March 1, 1952, Washington DC, USA) was a Jewish Hungarian mathematician and physicist specializing in continuum mechanics. Nemenyi's mathematical research encompassed: continuum mechanics, fluid dynamics, hydrostatics, statistical mechanics, non-equilibrium thermodynamics and stress mechanics.

Nemenyi was known for using what he called the inverse or semi-inverse approach, which applied vector field analysis, to obtain numerous exact solutions of the nonlinear equations of gas dynamics, many of them representing rotational flows of nonuniform total energy. In continuum mechanics, "Nemenyi's theorem" proves that, given any net of isothermal curves, there exists a five parameter family of plane stress systems for which these curves are stress trajectories. He was the father of the statistician Peter Nemenyi and possibly the father of former World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer.

[edit] Biography

Nemenyi was born to a Hungarian Jewish family. His family's art collection included works by Klimt, Kandinsky and Matisse. At the age of 17, Nemenyi won the Hungarian national mathematics competition.[1] Nemenyi obtained his doctorate in mathematics in Berlin in 1922 and lectured on fluid dynamics at the Technical University of Berlin.[2] In the early 1930s, he published a textbook on mathematical mechanics that became required reading in German universities. Stripped of his position when the Nazis came to power, he also had to leave Hungary where anti-Semitic laws had been enacted, and found work for a time in Copenhagen.

He arrived in the USA at the outbreak of World War II. He briefly held a number of teaching positions in succession and took part in hydraulic research at the State University of Iowa.[3] In 1941 he was appointed instructor at the University of Colorado, and in 1944 at the State College of Washington.[4]

In Germany, Nemenyi belonged to a Socialist party called the ITSK, which believed that truth could be arrived at through neo-Kantian Socratic principles. He was an animal-rights supporter, who was a strict vegan and refused to wear anything made of wool.[5] In 1930, Nemenyi entrusted his 3 year old first son, Peter Nemenyi, to be looked after by the socialist vegetarian community, visiting him once a year.[6]

Theodore von Karman wrote of Nemenyi: “When he came to this country, he went to scientific meetings in an open shirt without a tie and was very much disappointed as I advised him to dress as anyone else. He told me that he thought this was a country of freedom, and the man is only judged according to his internal values and not his external appearance.”[7]

In 1947 Nemenyi was appointed a physicist with the Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak, Maryland.[8] He was head of the Theoretical Mechanics Section at the laboratory and one of the country's principal authorities on elasticity and fluid dynamics.

Nemenyi was best known for using what he called the inverse or semi-inverse approach to obtain numerous exact solutions of the nonlinear equations of gas dynamics, many of them representing rotational flows of nonuniform total energy (see article by Nemenyi and Prim in Selected List of Publications below, which is Nemenyi's most highly cited work, though it has had no citations since 1985. Exact solutions may have less practical importance since the widespread availability of computers.).

Nemenyi's scientific knowledge extended well beyond the subjects of his researches. He has been described as having “extreme[ly] versatile interests and erudition”.[9] Nemenyi's interest and ability encompassed several nonscientific fields. He collected children's art and sometimes lectured upon it. In 1951, he published a critique of the entire Encyclopædia Britannica, and suggested improvements for such diverse sections as psychology and psychoanalysis.[10]

Paul Nemenyi died on March 1, 1952, at the age of 56. He was survived by a son, Peter Nemenyi, then a student of mathematics at Princeton University.[11]

In 2002 Nemenyi was identified as the probable biological father of world chess champion Bobby Fischer, not the man named on Fischer's birth certificate.

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Michele Maylender
Krepat ma ne molat !
Krepat ma ne molat !
Postovi: 58
Teme: 10
Pridružen: 3.2.2012, 21:57
Lokacija: Territorio Libero di Trieste

Re: Paul Nemenyi, fizičar

Post broj:#4  PostPostao/la Michele Maylender » 7.2.2012, 20:31

Paul Nemenyi (fizičar) & Bobby Fischer.jpg
Paul Nemenyi (fizičar) & Bobby Fischer.jpg (7.46 KiB) Pogledano 7600 puta

A evo Bobbyia i Paula-ako je netko slučajno imao kakvih dvojbi! :lol:

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Michele Maylender
Krepat ma ne molat !
Krepat ma ne molat !
Postovi: 58
Teme: 10
Pridružen: 3.2.2012, 21:57
Lokacija: Territorio Libero di Trieste

Re: Paul Nemenyi, fizičar

Post broj:#5  PostPostao/la Michele Maylender » 7.2.2012, 20:37

Za kraj,ako koga zanima, link na jako dobru i iscrpnu biografiju Fischera gdje se i spominje njegov boravak u Portorožu,od kuda je posjetio Rijeku 1958. ... ischer.htm

Što se tiče Nemenyia,kakvu mu je ulogu u životu imala Rijeka-kao rodni grad i kao grad gdje je proveo djetinjstvo-procijenite sami.

Ja mislim da je bio pravi :zastava: !

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Paul Nemenyi (fizičar) & Bobby Fischer (legendarni šahist)

Post broj:#6  PostPostao/la Adamić » 7.2.2012, 22:14

Ovdje se piše hrvatski pa bi molio da se ne stavljaju dugački tekstovi na engleskom. Ako se već stavljaju onda neka budu kratki citati i po mogućnosti prevedeni. Ali neka tako ostane ima vrijednih podataka. ;)

Da ne pišemo o Paulu i Bobbyu u posebnim temama spojit ćemo to u jednu.

Mogla bi se i knjiga o tome napisati. :čitati: :zastava:

Robert James "Bobby" Fischer

(Chicago, 9. ožujka 1943. – Reykjavík, 17. siječnja 2008.), američki šahist.

fischerbcwalterbier460.jpg (29.54 KiB) Pogledano 7600 puta

Šah je naučio s 6 godina

fischerat20byhansnamuth.jpg (126.58 KiB) Pogledano 7600 puta

Jedan je od najvećih igrača u povijesti šaha.

Rođen: 9.3.1943 u Chicagu, Illinois
Umro: 17.1.2008 u Reykjaviku, Island.
I.Q. = 180
International Grandmaster titula: 1958
U.S. šampion 8 puta u 8 pokušaja : 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966
Pobjednik svakog natjecanja i meča od prosinca 1962 do svjetskog prvenstva 1972, izuzetak je Capablanca Memorial, 1965, (2 mjesto - ½ bodova iza Smyslov) i Piatigorsky Cup, 1966, (2 mjesto - ½ bodova iza Spassky).

Bobby Fischer omjer pobjeda i poraza: 415 pobjeda, 248 neriješenih i 85 poraza od 748 mečeva odigranih od 1955 do 1992 .

576pxbundesarchivbild18.jpg (58.29 KiB) Pogledano 7600 puta

Fischer, Bob (Schachspieler), USA - Tal, Michail Nechemjewitsch (Schachspieler, Weltmeister 1960), Sowjetunion

FISCHER - šahovski genijalac i ekscentrik
Životna priča jednog od najboljih šahista svih vremena Bobbyja Fischera

Robert James Fischer, poznatiji kao Bobby Fischer, prema mišljenju brojnih stručnjaka bio je najbolji šahist u povijesti. Ipak, Fischera ćemo pamtiti i po ekscentričnom načinu života i ispadima kojima je stalno šokirao svijet. Kao šestogodišnjak je rekao: ‘Sve što želim je samo igrati šah’. Tako je i bilo.

Prva ljubavna veza sa 53 godine!
Prvu ljubavnu vezu ostvario je sa 53 godine s jednom 18-godišnjom Mađaricom. Šest godina kasnije 22-godišnja Kineskinja rodila mu je kćer, a iste se godine preselio u Japan i živio s Miyoko Wata.

Nikada nije dokazano da je Fischer 2001. anonimno igrao šah na internetu pod tajnim nadimkom Mister X.Nikada nije završio srednju školu, nisu ga zanimale žene, politika ili sport. Kao 14-godišnjak osvojio je titulu prvaka SAD-a, a 1972. godine postao je i svjetski šahovski prvak pobijedivši Borisa Spaskog iz SSSR-a. : pehar U pripremama je stalno postavljao nove zahtjeve pa je meč umalo otkazan. Čak ga je i tadašnji američki državni tajnik Henry Kissinger telefonom nagovarao da igra. Na koncu je pobijedio Spaskog i postao ‘pobjednik nad komunizmom’.

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U meču koji se igrao od srpnja do rujna 1972. u Rejkjaviku, svladao je svjetskog prvaka iz bivšeg SSSR-a Borisa Spaskog i postao prvim svjetskim šahovskim prvakom rođenim u SAD-u.Meč odigran na vrhuncu Hladnog rata, poprimio je mitske dimenzije kao personifikacija sukoba između dviju svjetskih velesila.

No, kada je tri godine kasnije trebao obraniti naslov, organizatorima je postavio 179 novih uvjeta za meč s Anatolijem Karpovim. Međunarodna šahovska asocijacija (FIDE) prihvatila je sve uvjete osim jednog, zbog čega je tvrdoglavi Bobby odbio igrati, pa je Karpov proglašen prvakom.

Iako i sam Židov, posebno je bio poznat po antisemitizmu. Govorio je kako je ‘žrtva demonske židovske urote’, a na filipinskom radiju čak je izjavio kako su ‘Židovi zli lažljivi gadovi koji ubijaju kršćansku djecu na svojim okultnim obredima dok istodobno zarađuju na izmišljenoj priči o holokaustu’.

Pobijedio ga Vlado Kovačević

Fischer je igrao i usavršavao sva šahovska otvaranja. Imao je savršen osjećaj za poziciju i kombinatoriku. Ostat će upamćen po svom beskompromisnom i agresivnom stilu, zbog čega bi samo ponekad izgubio partiju, kao primjerice 1970. kada ga je na turniru u Zagrebu pobijedio naš, tada još nepoznati majstor Vlado Kovačević. Tek je 1992. prihvatio ponudu srpskog tajkuna Jezdimira Vasiljevića da na Svetom Stefanu odigra meč s Borisom Spaskim. Fischer je pobijedio i zaradio 3,5 milijuna dolara, no time je prekršio američke sankcije protiv tadašnje Srbije i Crne Gore zbog rata u Hrvatskoj i BiH. Na konferenciji za medije Fischer je doslovno pljunuo na američki nalog za izručenje.

Vijest o terorističkom napadu na New York zatekla ga je u Japanu gdje je na radiju izjavio: ‘To je divna vijest!’ Potom je rekao: ‘Busha treba ubiti, uhititi sve Židove i zatvoriti sve sinagoge’. Američka vlada 2004. godine zatražila je od Japana da izruči Fischera. U međuvremenu, Island mu je dodijelio državljanstvo. Prošlog četvrtka, zbog otkazivanja rada bubrega, tamo je i umro u 64. godini. Otišao je kako je i živio - tvrdoglavo i samotnjački."Fischer je bio fenomen i epoha u povijesti šaha, intelektualni div kojeg bi po rangu stavio odmah do Newtona i Einsteina", izjavio je u povodu njegove smrti predsjednik Svjetske šahovske federacije (WCF) Kirsan Iljumžinov.

Piše: Dorino Manzin

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"Chess is life" (Šah je život) Bobby Fischer.

1992. Fischer je ušao u fokus međunarodne javnosti zbog političkih razloga. Tada je prekršio međunarodne sankcije nametnute tzv. Jugoslaviji, na način da je organizirao i igrao šahovski meč u Beogradu. Zbog tog čina mu je trebalo biti suđeno u SAD-u, a da bi to izbjegao, Fisher je zatražio državljanstvo Islanda, koje mu je i odobreno 2005.

Bobby i Jugoslavija
: o )

Toliko zasada..ima još mnogo materijala. :pozdrav:

Tema uvrštena u riječku naj rubriku te neke informacije uvrštene u riječku kronologiju .
Rijeka - naša ljubav, naš način života :trobojnicasrce

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Re: Paul Nemenyi (fizičar) & Bobby Fischer (legendarni šahist)

Post broj:#7  PostPostao/la nikola » 8.2.2012, 09:58

Michele Maylender poohvale za prezentaciju! :bravo: :bravo:

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Michele Maylender
Krepat ma ne molat !
Krepat ma ne molat !
Postovi: 58
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Pridružen: 3.2.2012, 21:57
Lokacija: Territorio Libero di Trieste

Re: Paul Nemenyi (fizičar) & Bobby Fischer (legendarni šahist)

Post broj:#8  PostPostao/la Michele Maylender » 8.2.2012, 13:19


Adamić, znam da nije poželjno ali smatrao sam da je,pošto već nema tih istih informacija na hrvatskom a prijevod bi bio dug, bolje staviti na engleskom pa "kud puklo".

Naravno da ako smatraš da tome nije tu mjesto,treba taj dio svakako maknuti ili promijeniti.

Ubuduće ću izbjegavati stavljati duge tekstove na stranim jezicima. :D


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Re: Paul Nemenyi (fizičar) & Bobby Fischer (legendarni šahist)

Post broj:#9  PostPostao/la Adamić » 8.2.2012, 22:27

Ova tema me je osvojila a materijala ima brdo pa krenimo.

Pogledao sam dokumentarac o Bobbyu Fischeru iz 2011. godine i mogu reći oduševio me je. Nisam dugo pogledao neki tako dobar dokumentarac. :bravoveliki: Čista petica 5/5.
Amerikanci to odlično upakiraju , dokumentarac vas jednostavno svojim emocijama uvuče u njegov svijet.

Bobby Fischer Against the World
Bobby Fischer - Protiv svijeta

bobbyfischeragainstthew.jpg (88.99 KiB) Pogledano 7600 puta

Režija: Liz Garbus
Država: SAD, UK, Island
Jezik: Engleski, Ruski
Trajanje: 93 min

Dokumentarac možete skinuti preko torenta na ... ab=summary
Kvaliteta je odlična, 700 mb.

Prijevod skinite ovdje i to je to, sve imate. ... rld&jezik=

Linkovi traju 24 h pa požurite.

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S 15 godina već je postao šahovski prvak Sjedinjenih Država.

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1958. Postao je slavan. Postao je prvi šahista u povijesti koji je od šaha počeo zarađivati.

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Ovo mi je genijalna slika. Pogledajte izraz lica njegova protivnika, izbezumljen , ne može vjerovati da ga je neki klinjo dobio dok Bobby sa smiješkom igra. :lol:

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Počeo je igrati simultanke protiv 40 do 80 ljudi istovremeno. Po tabli je zarađivao 5 $.

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Njegova majka Regina. Imala je dvoje djece Boby-a i Jean.

Slijedi još....
Rijeka - naša ljubav, naš način života :trobojnicasrce

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Re: Paul Nemenyi (fizičar) & Bobby Fischer (legendarni šahist)

Post broj:#10  PostPostao/la Adamić » 8.2.2012, 22:49

Obitelj se raspala kad su dječaku bile dvije godine. Naučio je igrati šah od starije sestre koja ga je čuvala dok je majka bila na poslu.

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Regina - aktivistica, komunist.

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FBI je o njoj vodio dosje, preko 900 stranica.

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FBI je naveo da je pravi biološki otac Bobby-u bio Riječanin Nemenyi a ne Hans-Gerhardt Fischer .

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Paul Nemenyi 1895-1952

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Majka Regina je rekla istinu Bobbyu o njegovom pravom biološkom ocu tek kad je navršio 11 godina, nakon što je Nemenyi umro.

Slijedi još.
Rijeka - naša ljubav, naš način života :trobojnicasrce

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Re: Paul Nemenyi (fizičar) & Bobby Fischer (legendarni šahist)

Post broj:#11  PostPostao/la Adamić » 8.2.2012, 23:16

Napustio je školu u trećem razredu gimnazije, majka se preudala kad je imao 17 godina i ostavila ga, on je počeo živjeti sam, ponašajući se sve više kao čudak. Na međunarodnim turnirima sve je češće pobjeđivao sovjetske igrače. Prgavošću i hirovitošću skretao je pozornost na sebe.

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World Chess Championship - 1958 Portoroz (JUG) - Interzonal Tournament (6 mjesto)

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Sestra ga je znala isto pratiti na putovanjima.

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Samo šah u glavi. To je bio njegov svijet.

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Volio je životinje.


Njegova sestra Jean, umrla 1998 i njegova majka Regina, umrla 1996. On je umro 2008. godine na Islandu.

Još mnogo toga ima, no najbolje bi bilo da pogledate dokumentarac.
Rijeka - naša ljubav, naš način života :trobojnicasrce

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Michele Maylender
Krepat ma ne molat !
Krepat ma ne molat !
Postovi: 58
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Pridružen: 3.2.2012, 21:57
Lokacija: Territorio Libero di Trieste

Re: Paul Nemenyi (fizičar) & Bobby Fischer (legendarni šahist)

Post broj:#12  PostPostao/la Michele Maylender » 10.2.2012, 18:38

Adamiću odlična nadopuna. Slike su sjajne.Ovu Nemenyievu nema ni FBI! :lol:

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Re: Paul Nemenyi (fizičar) & Bobby Fischer (legendarni šahist)

Post broj:#13  PostPostao/la Adamić » 11.2.2012, 14:30

Možeš li mi pronaći citat gdje se navodi da je Fisher dok je bio u Portorožu došao i u Rijeku? Bio je vrlo mlad mislim da nije to učinio. Ali izgleda da su ga korijeni vratili na ove prostore, nije slučajno.

Zasada koliko mi je poznato ovo je jedina slika Fishera iz Hrvatske.

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Fischer na izletištu Jelaš kraj Vukovara 1968. (u sredini srne)

Bobi se 1968. nakon godinu dana pauze (sukob s birokracijom) pojavio na velikom međunarodnom turniru pojavio u Vinkovcima i zna se pobijedio. Da igra nagovorio ga je dr. Bilušić njegov znanac (prijatelj). Nakon svaka četiri kola bio je dan pauze. Fišer subotom nije igrao dok ne zađe sunce. Zbog toga su ostali igrači koji su igrali s njim subotom pristali da igraju s manje vremena da se partije ne oduže kasno. Molim Schlehtera da stavi partiju Fischer-Minić 1968., Vinkovci - krasna minijatura.

Godine 1970. odmarao se u Vinkovcima malo duže i tu ostavio dosta stvari jer se mislio vraćati (te stvari se mogu vidjeti i danas). Ovaj put sam ga dobro upoznao. O Fischeru kako ga danas doživljavate nema ni govora sve je to 90% izmišljeno. Bio je izuzetno ljubazan, slobodno se kretao gradom, zaustavljao kola s konjima i milovao konje, jeo crveni luk kao jabuku, trenirao često nogomet, igrao simultanke sa slijepim bez nadoknade (humanitarno)...

Rijeka - naša ljubav, naš način života :trobojnicasrce

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Michele Maylender
Krepat ma ne molat !
Krepat ma ne molat !
Postovi: 58
Teme: 10
Pridružen: 3.2.2012, 21:57
Lokacija: Territorio Libero di Trieste

Re: Paul Nemenyi (fizičar) & Bobby Fischer (legendarni šahist)

Post broj:#14  PostPostao/la Michele Maylender » 11.2.2012, 15:26

"Nakon smrti šahovske legende Bobbyja Fischera u siječnju ove godine Rijeka se iznenada našla u središtu interesa stranih novinara. Premda su spoznaje o tome da je Fischerov biološki otac rođen upravo u Rijeci postojale i ranije, ovaj podatak tek je nedavno postao zanimljiv medijima. Još prije dvije godine o tome je, recimo, kratku crticu u knjizi Volite li Rijeku? napisao riječki publicist Velid Đekić. U tom izdanju piše da je mađarski Židov Paul Felix Nemenyi rođen u Rijeci 5. lipnja 1895., a prema istraživanjima Davida Edmondsa i Johna Edinowa dvostruko je ušao u svjetsku povijest: u SAD-u je bio znanstveni istraživač zaposlen na razvoju atomske bombe, a zatim je u povijest ušao i kao otac šahovskog genija Roberta Bobbyja Fischera.

Arhivska građa pohranjena u Državnom arhivu u Rijeci samo je potvrdila tu pretpostavku, a jedna stara fotografija riječkog fotoreportera Petra Grabovca, koji je svojim objektivom ovjekovječio Bobbyja Fischera kad je još kao mladić posjetio Rijeku, nameće pitanje zašto je mlada šahovska zvijezda u usponu posjetila ovaj grad? Naime, bilo je to 1958. godine kad je Fischer svoju međunarodnu karijeru počeo u Portorožu, pa mu je Rijeka bila relativno blizu. Činjenica da je Paul Nemenyi, biološki otac Bobbyja Fischera, rođen u Rijeci sada baca novo svjetlo na taj Bobbyjev posjet. Pretpostaviti je kako je Fischer znao da je njegov pravi otac rođen u ovom gradu, pa je to mogao biti povod da iz Portoroža, bez nekog vidljivog razloga, otputuje za Rijeku. Bilo je to davno prije njegova pohoda na svjetski šahovski vrh."

Preuzeto od Kluba sušačana ... =62-63&C=8

Sad,ako stvarno postoji ta slika,i ako je na slici on,onda je to to.

a na ovom linku, ... ischer.htm se vidi da je stvarno '58 bio u Portorožu, znači nije nemoguće da je došao u Ri.

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Pridružen: 12.6.2009, 02:27
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Re: Paul Nemenyi (fizičar) & Bobby Fischer (legendarni šahist)

Post broj:#15  PostPostao/la Adamić » 17.3.2012, 20:26

Michele Maylender napisao:
Sad,ako stvarno postoji ta slika,i ako je na slici on,onda je to to.

Dakle poslije šahovskog turnira u Portorožu zaputio se je u Rijeku. Dokaz da je bio, je fotografija fotoreportera Petra Grabovca . Obavio sam s njim intervju, u kojem mi je potvrdio da je to istina.

Jedna od najvećih svjetskih šahovskih legendi, Bobby Fischer je 1958. godine posjetio Rijeku. Navodno razlog posjete je bio taj što mu je biološki otac bio iz Rijeke. Kako je uopće došlo do toga da ste ga slikali i gdje ste ga uslikali ?
Došao je iz Portoroža sa autom u Rijeku. Mi smo dobili dojavu i čekali sat-dva u hotelu Neboder na Sušaku. Slikao sam ga unutra. Zgodan je bio mladić. Rukovao sam se s njim na odlasku.

Evo i slikica :kava:

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15 godina je imao na ovim fotografijama. Sve indicije upućuje da je Bobbyu Fisheru otac bio Riječanin.

Samo da spomenem, nedavno je iskopan grob Fishera da mu se uzme njegova DNK i potvrdi da li je otac jedne djevojčice , šteta da nije imao tko usput predočiti DNK i našeg Paula Nemenya (pokopan u Washington DC), da se riješi slučaj jednom zauvijek.
Rijeka - naša ljubav, naš način života :trobojnicasrce


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