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Yugoslavs escaping Yugoslavia in 1946.

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Postovi: 546
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Yugoslavs escaping Yugoslavia in 1946.

Post broj:#1  PostPostao/la Lokalpatrioti Rijeka » 27.8.2023, 20:59


I have a question regarding Yugoslavs escaping Yugoslavia in 1946.
Yugoslavs escaping Yugoslavia in 1946..png
Yugoslavs escaping Yugoslavia in 1946..png (612.23 KiB) Pogledano 21027 puta

The map of Europe was being redrawn...

In 1924 Rijeka (Fiume) was annexed to Italy and Sušak remained in Yugoslavia. In 1943, Germany took over Rijeka. On 23 May 1945 Rijeka was liberated from German occupation. In June 2, 1945, (see map attached ) the area was divided into Zone A and Zone B by the United States and Great Britain, reintroducing borders and requiring permits to travel between Sušak and Rijeka.

My question regards people who decided to flee from communist rule. How did they cross the Sušak Rijeka bridge and how did they go from Zone B to Zone A. False passports? bribes? smugglers? We know that many crossed, but how?

I would be very grateful if you could provide any information.


Marina Fusch.

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